Chapter 7 describes the third and final phase of the research project: to improve the response of services to people bereaved through a substance-related death. This phase applied the extensive research data generated by the first and second phases of the first known large-scale research project into these peoples’ bereavements. In particular, to analyse that data, along with the wider policy literature, to reveal many significant insights into the experiences of these bereaved people, which were then translated into five key messages that any professional or worker could use to improve their response to people bereaved through substance use. These five key messages were then successfully developed into the first set of good practice guidance for those professionals and workers who come into contact with these bereaved people. These guidelines were produced by a working group who had relevant professional and personal experience. The chapter described how the guidelines were written and why they are written the way they are. Finally, there is a description of the extensive dissemination of the guidelines in the United Kingdom to a wide range of services and agencies and examples of the subsequent impact the guidelines have had to date.