Much of human resource development (HRD) is centred on improving the effectiveness and productivity of workplaces through enhancing workers’ capacities (i.e. their learning and development). Achieving that outcome is a product of two interrelated factors: i) the kind of experiences afforded workers as learners and ii) how these learners engage with and secure knowledge from those experiences. Much attention is given to the former such as in detailing training plans, aligning the kinds of strategies enacted to support that learning. Yet, less attention is given to the bases workers come to engage with and learn from what is provided for them. This chapter aims to elaborate how individuals’ sense of self or subjectivity shapes learning in ways aligned with HRD goals. Subjectivity is central to how they come to engage in their work and learning. Subjectivity is used in preference to ‘identity’ as it is seen as capturing the conceptualisation of what directs and motivates individuals’ engagement in learning through their work. However, whilst important, a consideration of subjectivity alone is insufficient, as much of effective work activities is premised on understanding others’ subjectivities. The focus here is on how intersubjectivity or shared understanding arises through work activities and interactions, as these are central to effective working, working with others and achieving workplace goals.