Festival lighting systems can be adapted or customized by limited conventional lighting color

filter changes and focus positions, or not-it depends on the origin of the system. If the lighting rig belongs to a headliner, then probably not, but if it is a specific  system for that particular festival then a few  custom changes are likely to be approved. With any ML, groups and palettes are organized in advance, and the company or freelance programmer that is onsite can quickly alter the ML focus  and customize the scenes. Even if a lighting designer (LD) brings their own console, on some occasions it makes more sense to use the console that is provided. If the LD carries their own console with preprogrammed scenes, there is not enough time to build a show from  scratch with conventional and ML programming because the shows begin as early as noon. There can be six stage changes of other bands’ equipment before the headliner takes the stage, between 10 and 11 p.m. The festival schedule means that all of the bands and their crews must be conscientious and work together during these special situations.