In this chapter the author wants to present a clinical example of his theoretical perspective on intersubjectivity and how he tried to apply it in practice. He addresses a few significant themes and moments to bring out his thinking. The patient the author aims to orient his work around an intersubjective model. The model he used was a 44-year-old married Woman biologist. As a biologist, Ms. B. may have been skeptical about the value of talk therapy, and she also manifested a kind of wariness on entering treatment that suggested more personal concerns. With Ms. B., the author’s transactions shaped the content of each session, crystallizing at moments around a set of transference fantasies or a mutual enactment in which he take part, processes which are often indistinguishable. In a series of sessions closer to her termination, Ms. B. summarized the ideas, speaking about herself in a way that challenged many of her former attitudes.