Rules apparently constitute a challenge for a naturalistic approach to the social sciences. The existence of sacred cows is peculiar to Hindu faith. Norms and rules, in spite of their ubiquity, remain a kind of a conundrum for our understanding. The point of folk psychology is that this kind of cognition is tied up to a specific domain of mind and as such is a source of decision-making and behavior that runs beyond the specific rules or norms. This means that for both actors in our Sarajevo drama what was important was their allegiance to the Austrian court or Mlada Bosnia, so-called effective groups. Normativists would probably be unsatisfied with Turner's account. They could object that we handled Princip as a rational agent. Jaroslav Peregrin believes that normativity is necessary for the explanation of human behavior. Peregrin thinks that the naturalist's critique of normativism is based on a false view of the distinction between methodological individualism and holism.