PARENTING AND CHILDREN’S ADJUSTMENT The link between parenting practices and child behaviour or children’s adjustment has been shown in many studies. Authoritative parentingcharacterized by high warmth, control and autonomy support-has been linked to positive child development in cognitive and social-emotional domains (Baumrind, 1993; Laible & Carlo, 2004). Mothers with more inconsistent parenting had sons with more antisocial behaviour, relationship problems and school problems (Conger, Patterson, & Ge, 1995). This was also found over time: high parental engagement and low frequencies of harsh discipline were related to low levels of externalizing behaviour in elementary schoolchildren three years later (Beelmann, Stemmler, Lo¨sel, & Jaursch, 2007). A meta-analysis found a significant association between parental caregiving-“approval, guidance, motivational strategies, synchrony and absence of coercive control”—and children’s externalizing behaviour (Rothbaum & Weisz, 1994, p. 66).