Abstractive transformation generally entails a degree of familiarisation. Concretisation encompasses mappings from one inanimate object to another inanimate object or, rarely, from an inanimate object to an abstract concept that make the topic of a metaphor easier to understand by bringing it closer to one's everyday experience. Dehumanisation involves mappings from a human to a non-human entity. Mappings from a non-human entity to a human one are placed in the humanisation category. Humanotypic Transformation denotes mappings from one class of human to another. The concept of plantification encompasses mappings from non-plant to plant entities. Processual Transformation refers to mappings from one process or activity to another process or activity. The category of reification is formed of mappings from abstract entities to inanimate objects. Larger metaphorical structures such as mappings are therefore by and large preserved in translation, although there will be differences of detail between the extent and number of source and target text mappings.