Female characters figure prominently in the Ramcaritmanas and Tulsidas often explicitly includes both women and men in scenes where he could easily have talked only of men. One of the textually most contested issues is the prominence given to female characters and especially to the chief female character of the story, Sita. As has been mentioned, women figure significantly in the Kavitavali. Rama's wedding and the general festivities accompanying it are described in six stanzas in the Balakanda, making it the most detailed event in this kanda. Heaven and earth are joined in these celebrations. However, it is debated in the transmission whether men and women participate in the same way. In kavitt 14, the vulgate gives: nagara nisana Bara bajaim, byoma dundubhi, bimana carhi gana kai suranari nacahim. In the city sounded fine drums, in the heavens kettledrums, and heavenly damsels mounted in aerial chariots sang and danced.