The twenty-first century is faced with rapid and increasing complexities in technology, globalisation and changing societal demographics, all of which can influence the determinants of an employee's performance and success in the workplace. The desire to acquire true love in one's lifetime also remains an ideal pursuit for many individuals. The chapter discusses the process of psychological crossover experienced by couples; that is, how occupational stress experienced by one partner is transferred to his or her spouse and the mechanisms which reduce or exacerbate this stress contagion process. Interpersonal factors potentially presented twice in the crossover process: at both the intralevel and the interlevel. Acts of adaptive interlevel emotional and appraisal support, such as highlighting a person's strengths and offering affirmations, were found to not only ease the immediate burden but also promoted dyadic trust for future challenges. The chapter concludes with describing original research conducted to explore the process of psychological crossover with 16 dual-earner Australian couples.