British Official History of the Great War, 'France and Belgium' is compiled by Brigadier-General J. E. Edmonds. The British Government concurred, and British troops began to disembark at Salonika on 3rd October. This led to the Allied Macedonian campaign, or, as the Germans said: 'To the formation of the largest Allied "concentration camp", with 'an enemy army prisoner of itself'. Besides the ever-increasing exhaustion due to the length of the war, the two most important factors accountable for the collapse of the Central Powers were the British blockade and the skilful use made by the British Government of propaganda: the one struck at the vitals of the enemy, and the other undermined his moral endurance. Autonomous governments were formed in Budapest, Prague, Laibach, Serajevo, Cracow and Lemberg, and a neutral government was set up in Vienna to liquidate the central administration.