On a rainy Saturday morning in June 2014, around 9:00 a.m., I entered the “TML” building in Tsuen Wan West, a district in the New Territories of Hong Kong, a region­located­on­the­southern­coast­of­China.­The­TML­tower,­a­30-story­high,­ new­and­modern-looking­industrial­building,­was­completed­in­2013.1 I walked through the imposing entrance hall, with its high ceiling, leather chairs and large windows to the elevator. On my way, I saw a few people, wearing yellow vests featuring­a­picture­of­a­lotus­flower­on­the­front­pocket,­giving­directions­to­visitors­like­me.­I­took­the­elevator­up­to­the­sixteenth­floor.­When­the­doors­opened,­ I saw several people walking around, busily arranging everything for the special occasion that was about to start in half an hour. They seemed nervous. The event had been convened to celebrate the opening of a new Buddhist mindfulness center in­one­of­the­offices­of­this­industrial­building.