Several books on positive psychology have recognised the important role of negative emotions and negative events in terms of how they shape our lives, such as in Sonja Lyubomirsky's excellent 'The Myths of Happiness' and Kashdan and Biswas Diener's 'The Upside of Your Dark Side'. Among central tenets of the basic emotions approach that all complex emotions are derived from the set of five basic emotions includes Sadness, Happiness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. In the case of emotions, the derivations occur either through additional cognitive elaboration of an emotion, or through the blending of different emotions together, or through the process of coupling. The key areas important in meta-emotional skills and representations include the perception and understanding of emotion in self and others, and the regulation of emotion in self and in others. In Gross's influential approach, the emotion is broken down into a series of temporal stages with the possibility of different strategies applied at each stage.