Social justice is the idea, that all citizens, no matter their religion, ability, sexual orientation, or gender, should given identical rights, protections, opportunities, obligations, and social benefits. This chapter focuses on sexual orientation, gender identity, and other issues that effect the LGBTQ population. The author uses LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer and/or Questioning) as an umbrella term for all individuals who are impacted by their own and others' reactions. Social justice within the digital age requires participatory engagement in both online and offline spaces. Teaching social justice through an LGBTQ lens also creates a wonderful opportunity to educate people, create allies, and change school culture to make safer and feel more inclusive for LGBTQ youth. It is important for students to have a shared knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ terminology, policies, and practices. The safe spaces for the LGBTQ community in schools and online is given by integrating digital media literacy skills with social justice awareness.