The regim ent had been raised by Colonel George Augustus Eliott, in London, in 1759 during the most critical period of the Seven Years' W ar against France. Known as 'E lio tt's Light H orse', it was officered by wealthy and adventurous young men like the Earl of Pembroke and Sir George Erskine. It incurred heavy casualties in the battle of Emsdorf, in 1760, but returned home with sixteen standards captured from the enemy, which were duly presented to George III at a parade in Hyde Park. Fighting against the French again in the 1790s, the regim ent took part in the battle for Cambrai, during which it performed a classic and spectacular cavalry charge at Villiers-enCouche which completely routed the French infantry and put their horsemen to flight. As the war moved to Spain and Portugal, the 15th Hussars fought with W ellington from Sahagun to Vittoria, and in 1814 crossed into France and defeated Soult's cavalry at the battle of Toulouse.