According to a United Nations report, e-government is "the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and its application by the government for the provision of information and public services to the people". This chapter examines the current status of China's e-government by detailing its international and domestic rankings, stages of development, key issues, and practical cases. It presents China's rankings in the United Nations Global E-Government Development Reports and introduces domestic rankings of Chinese government websites. The chapter provides an overview for the results of the "China E-Government Key Issues Survey" conducted in 2012. It also provides examples of e-government initiatives in China from both the central and local governments. The chapter also discusses China's e-government development from the perspectives of culture, institution, and network information technologies. To assess the e-government development level in China, the China Software Testing Center (CSTC) published the Evaluation Report of Chinese Government Websites since 2002.