Children predict where a small magnetic sign, like a fridge magnet, can be located in the outdoor area, e.g. on the exterior of the school building or within the school grounds. Magnets attract objects made from magnetic materials, e.g. iron, cobalt and nickel, which are all types of metal. A magnet will not attract materials such as brick, rubber, wood, different plastics and metals such as aluminium, copper, lead and tin. A magnet is an object made of a material that creates a magnetic field around the magnet. The field gives rise to a magnetic force which has a detectable strength and direction that is 'push' repel or 'pull' attract. The force of magnetism is not easy to explain but, put simply, is caused by the motion of electric charges within the material. Electricity and magnetism are closely related. Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell were scientists who researched early ideas about electromagnetism.