Agriculture in India is the major source of livelihood to 70 percent of the rural population, but its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product is only 14 percent. Indian agriculture is characterized largely by small holdings. According to the Agricultural Census (Ministry of Agriculture, 2010–11), nearly 85 percent of the farmers are smallholders (below 2 ha) operating 45 percent of the total cultivated area. Overall, women play an important role in agriculture in India and particularly on smallholder farms. Out of the total cultivable area of 182 million ha, only 140 million ha is under net cultivation, of which 62 million ha (34 percent) is under irrigation in India (FAO, 2010a). Productivity is 130 percent higher in irrigated agro-ecosystems compared to rain-fed systems (Government of India, 2011). Hence irrigation is considered as one of the potential strategies for agricultural intensification to meet the increasing food demands and cope with climate change and variability. Climate change will significantly influence the role of women in irrigated agriculture and hence it is important to put special emphasis on mainstreaming gender while developing new adaptation strategies in the agriculture sector.