John returned to London and occupied an office in Black House. There he put the energy which had served him so well on the road into his schemes for reforming the BUF ’s organisation, where it was to serve him rather less well. In headquarters he found a mess, that particular sort of mess which goes with a totalitarian organisation revolving around a leader whose pronouncements are considered infallible:

A huge staff of badly paid and useless people had been gathered together, and there were probably at least 200 full time organisers and speakers, paid anything from ten shillings and their keep to two pounds a week. They made trouble wherever they went, and their only qualification seemed to be their cheapness and extreme servility. Some of the senior officers seemed quite happy if they could sit at their ease while a few underpaid hacks clicked their heels and saluted . . . A part of national headquarters staff were unbelievably like the caricatures of fascists in the Daily Worker and the New Statesman.