Globalization and Development is a "cross-national study" on the "interstate dispersion" of the impacts (on growth, inequality and poverty) that international economic integration provides to the economies of the developing countries. In order to present the "Leading Issues in Development with Globalization" in a balanced manner, to identify differences and commonalities among "Country Experiences" in development with globalization, and to introduce diversified development paradigms with forward looking discussions "In Search of a New Development Paradigm" for the post-MDGs era, this publication consists of three volumes and four main parts.

Volume I (Part I) introduces the evolution and facets of globalization, and the challenges that we face in our development eff orts under globalization. Findings from the old and new empirical studies are consolidated for us to answer the following question. What do we really know about the impacts of globalization? Volume I (Part II) contains thematic and issue-oriented discussions on the key facets of globalization.

This book intends to serve as a unique and comprehensive guide for those in the international development community on the subjects of diversified development paradigms/paths under globalization and other challenges in the post-MDGs era.

part I|99 pages

Development under globalization

chapter 2|48 pages

Poverty–growth–inequality triangle under globalization 1

What do we really know about the pro-poor/anti-poor impacts of economic integration?

part II|263 pages

Thematic issues related to development under globalization

chapter 5|24 pages

Globalisation and agriculture

Optimising trade policies for small farmers

chapter 6|28 pages

Global environmental management

Globalization of the economy and load on the global environment

chapter 7|18 pages

Fdis and environmental management

Do we need government interventions?

chapter 8|20 pages

Global international migration and south-south migration

The case of Thailand and its adjacent countries

chapter 9|39 pages

AID is good for the poor

Development aid in a globalized world 1