Reported clauses are dependent on a lexical item in the dominant clause. This is very frequently a verb such as say, declare, think, suspect, regret, and recognize. Reported clauses with if should not be confused with contingent clauses, where it is also possible though there it is not interchangeable. Reporting suggests, first and foremost verbalization so that the reporting verbs in the dominant clause declare, say, ask and inquire. However, this is intended by the name the reported clause has a WH-binder and the dominant clause is negative. The binders in WH-item are who and what reason and the reported clauses have to-form predicators and the binder must be whether or a W H-item where it structure is close to phase structure bound. It is clear that reported-clause binders have the same effect: it suggests that the neutral sequence of clauses in a binding relationship is dominant, bound. Any departure from the sequence produces a tension in the communication act.