In bound clauses there is no mood system. But some comment on this claim is necessary, since there is a close parallel between the indicative moods in free clauses and the subtypes of reported clause which are distinguished by the binder:

1 That (or zero); parallel to declarative 1 They know that eggs are going up

2 Whether/ if; parallel to polar interrogative 2 They wonder whether eggs are going up

3 W H; parallel to non-polar interrogative 3 They wonder how much eggs are going up

If this system in reported clauses is called mood, the term is evidently being used in a secondary or derived sense. They wonder whether eggs are going up, has a declarative free clause (They wonder) which can be contrasted with the interrogative Do they wonder ... ? ; but reported mood, in the bound clause, reflects not the speaker's attitude but the attitude of the cognizant, in this case they.