The relevant legislation at the level of the entities aimed at establishing victims; status provides different recognition and treatment of women victims. Young children have not necessarily been direct victims themselves, but witnesses of the crimes committed against their family members and other people. Women victims who were not officially recognised as civilian victims of war, have no access to free legal aid, health care, and are not eligible for education, rehabilitation or psychological support. Civilian victims receive less in monthly payments than war veterans, namely, 70 per cent of war veterans' compensation. The War Crimes Chamber operates under the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which includes sexual violence offences. The Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor's Office was established by The Law of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH. Transitional justice encompasses a myriad of judicial and non-judicial measures to redress massive human rights abuses, including criminal prosecutions, truth commissions and reparations.