English has been taught in Saudi Arabian schools since the 1970s. This chapter considers research on in-country EFL teaching and teachers in Saudi Arabia. It starts with an overview of English language teaching policy in Saudi Arabia of various phases including the Ministry of Education English Language Teaching policies of 1970 to 2001 and 2000 to 2014, and the 2014 to 2020 New English Language Teaching Framework. The chapter also reviews the most widely used English language teaching methodologies in the Saudi context. With regard to this several related issues are examined including the historical development of language teaching approaches in the Saudi Arabian context, Saudi English teachers’ beliefs and classroom practices, the textbook-driven curriculum in Saudi Arabia, the availability of teaching and learning resources, and the pedagogical use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in EFL teaching in Saudi Arabia. Curriculum and pedagogical obstacles to teaching English in Saudi Arabia are identified and their effects on Saudi EFL learners’ proficiency level of Saudi learners are highlighted. The chapter concludes with a summary of key issues affecting EFL teaching/teachers in Saudi Arabia.