When electricians arrive on-site to begin the work, that is, installing the trunking, conduit or cables and boxes to the final fixing positions in the building, they will need to know what is being installed and exactly where it is being installed. Metal may be welded, brazed or soldered, but the most popular method of on-site joining of metal on electrical installations is by nuts and bolts or rivets. PVC insulated and sheathed wiring systems are used extensively for lighting and socket installations in domestic dwellings. Mechanical damage to the cable caused by impact, abrasion, penetration, compression or tension must be minimized during installation (IET Regulation 522.6.1). Individual conductors may be installed in trunking or conduit and individual cables may be clipped directly to a surface or laid on a tray using the wiring system which is most appropriate for the particular installation. Managers and supervisors have to deal with conflict in the workplace every day.