To be able to support athletes in achieving optimal development as well as maximum athletic potential, coaches need a good understanding of how talent development is influenced by multilevel transitions and the stages athletes face in different domains of development, such as athletic, psychological, psychosocial, academic. The perspective that 'end-of-career' transitions can be seen as a process of change linked up with conceptual frameworks from outside of sport such as Schlossberg and colleagues' Model of Human Adaptation to Transition. When athletes face actual transitional challenges, coaches are supported by sport psychologists in order to enhance athletes' competences to support their psycho-social network, to mobilize their coping resources, and to learn to buffer the impact of stressful aspects related to the transitions. The Holistic Athletic Career model (HAC) model represents the concurrent, interactive, and reciprocal nature of the development of athletes in five domains: athletic, psychological, psychosocial, academic/vocational, and financial.