This chapter depicts the 'coach' as a person with basic psychological needs. It examines the 'coach' as an entity in itself, rather than on the effect the coach has upon others, while acknowledging the effect that others have upon the coach. Though most perplexing within the literature is how few articles are devoted to the psychological needs of the coach and related features such as self-awareness and self-care, yet psychological needs are the base upon which we construct psychological well-being. The psychological growth afforded to the coach lies within the coach's grasp when they begins a process of self-awareness. A balance between athletic and personal excellence seems a worthy pursuit that can be achieved through established coach education programmes and discussion forums. The sport psychology consultant can create appealing educations sessions that present strategies for assessing self-awareness such as Johari window, illustrate psychological needs apparent in everyday life and demonstrate how emotions might manifest themselves in personal and professional life.