In CRM the term power animal is used to describe the sentient and intuitive resource which is revealed, most often as an animal, during an internal journey that one undertakes to connect with the assets or help that one needs most. In some cases, a sacred or spiritual being other than an animal steps forward and this is of course more than acceptable and will provide the same resourcing as the power animal. For the sake of brevity, in this chapter power animals will be referenced, but this includes any other sacred or spiritual beings that may present itself. For many individuals the experience of loyalty, commitment and attunement that this special resource provides is new and different from any experience they have had previously. This animal’s or being’s purpose is to walk with the person through life, to teach, guide and at times protect the person in adversity. The CRM power animal may provide support and information similar to that obtained through the magical question by providing wisdom, answers, information, reminders and directions, reigniting the individual’s trust in their own intuition as a result. However, the magical question is superseded by the gifts of the power animal, as an authentic relationship with another is involved, sharing companionship, play and secure attachment.