A social entrepreneur is what you get when you combine Richard Branson and Mother Teresa – a hybrid between business and social value creation.

(Pamela Hartigan, Managing Director, Schwab Foundation)


employees developing new business activities for their employer (Bosma et al. 2010: 3)

Roy Griffi ths, in his landmark inquiry into the management of the NHS, declared that if Florence Nightingale were carrying her lamp through the corridors of the NHS today, she would almost certainly be searching for the people in charge (Naylor 2015). If Florence Nightingale was walking the wards of the NHS today, however, she would be looking beyond them – out into general practice, into community services, into the private and voluntary sectors and out into social care and other local authority services. She would be looking for the other inspirational leaders who would help her make her wards work better. Among those to whom she would be looking would be patients. And all those other people would be looking back for exactly the same result.