Animations are made up of individual images displayed sequentially at certain number of images per second. The main benefits of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) animations are that they make it possible to create basic animations without having to learn to script, and they typically run more smoothly, even on very slow systems. A two-dimensional (2D) animation is the type of animation that has only two dimensions i.e., x and y, although it can communicate the illusion of depth through, for example, drop shadows. The shorthand animation property, which is also non-inherited, can be used to specify the properties in the table. Three-dimensional (3D) animation can probably be best simplistically described as adding a third dimension i.e., depth to the movement of a 2D or 3D object. The use of animation in feedback spans a variety of areas, but the most common purpose is to inform a user about what is going on in an application.