As seen in Evolution of Preventive Medicine, the home of cholera is in India, from which it has at intervals invaded Europe and America, sometimes with devastating results. Cholera is a disease in the prevention of which the object is to prevent access of the infecting agent to the alimentary canal of a human being. In August 128 fatal cases of cholera occurred in Hamburg before the 23rd of the month. Some delay occurred in regarding the cases as cholera, owing to difficulty in verifying the diagnosis by finding Koch's comma bacilli in the dejecta of patients. In 1883 the comma bacillus of cholera was discovered by Koch in the contents and walls of the intestine of cholera patients; also in infected tanks in India. Although the disease is not inoculable in animals, the causal relation of this microbe to cholera is established. It has been the cause of cholera in laboratories during experimental work.