The influence of well-being on the phthisis death-rate has never been questioned, and in the judgment of many authorities it is the most important factor. As the wages rise, phthisis rate falls; this fall affects especially the young; it is due to food supply. The British public eat more and more. The prevention of consumption involves a much wider issue than the circumvention of the bacillus. Well-being is, of course, a very complex condition, which cannot be measured completely by any single element. No factor, however, more deserves careful attention, and its course is measured independently by the price of wheat, the cost of total food, the total cost of living, wages, the amounts of food consumed, and the amount of pauperism. showing a close co-variation between phthisis rates and wheat prices in England and Scotland; moderate and poor co-variation in Prussia and France respectively; and considerable inverse co-variation in Ireland.