The proper control of spitting and disposal of the sputum are probably the chief problems in the prevention of phthisis. Consumptive patients may discharge billions of tubercle bacilli daily in their expectoration. This may be dangerous immediately while being scattered as fine spray; or after having become dried and pulverised, it may be subsequently suspended in the air and inhaled. It is well to carry the pocket spit-bottle in an India rubber pouch or in a pocket having a detachable washable lining; and a similar bag should be used for soiled paper handkerchiefs. It is generally recognised that the danger of infection is greatest in advanced cases of phthisis. In recent years great advances have been made in the control of indiscriminate expectoration. The Glamorgan County Council was the first to obtain the consent of the Secretary of State for the Home Department to a bye-law regulating spitting in public places.