This chapter suggests that creativity is intrinsically understood by career counsellors. Creativity is fundamental to constructivist approaches to career counselling as evidenced by concepts such as co-construction and life design. A multidisciplinary approach to better understanding creativity could contribute towards strengthening career counselling through enhanced theoretical and applied understanding of its potential application. Constructivist career counselling's orientation towards multiple stories, possibilities, curiosity, respectful and tentative collaboration, meaning-making and co-construction suggests possible parallels with creativity and divergent thinking. While constructivist career counselling is an inherently creative process founded on story-telling processes and the 'construction' or 'designing' of future stories, creativity has primarily received fleeting mention in the career counselling literature and little sustained attention. Constructivist career counselling's orientation towards multiple stories, possibilities, curiosity, respectful and tentative collaboration, meaning-making and co-construction suggests possible parallels with creativity and divergent thinking.