The most obvious group of individuals on which to focus are those students who might be considered under the broad assessment of emotional and behavioural disorder (EBD), when considering the relationship between learning disorders (LDs) and emotional, behavioural and social problems. Similar to EBD, there is a relatively high co-occurrence between specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a disorder characterised by three symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. There are many tools, mainly checklist/questionnaire based, that can be used to indicate problems associated with ADHD/EBD or related difficulties. A good basis tool designed for use by researchers, clinicians and educationalists is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), originally developed by Goodman. The Conners Scales are perhaps the most popular and there are a number of different tests within the Conners suite of tests, such as the Conners Continuous Performance Tests (CPT) and the Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention (CATA).