In torturous societies, the extrusion of the Other creates an artificial two-dimensional reality where individuals are alienated from genuine political life. As basic conditions of life, such as safety and a consequent feeling of trust, are guaranteed in society, this facilitates and implements social development and enables a finer processing of social issues and political conflicts. Each individual is fixed in their place, and if they move, they do so at the risk their life, contagion or punishment. Monolithic Societal States can be detected in different historical and political phenomena throughout history. The Panopticon geometry of relations and distributions perfectly fits with the geometry of Splintered Reflective Triangle of Monolithic Self States with its controlling social bonds set through a vision system: the web of towers controlling discrete individuals and, in turn, seen/controlled by a central tower. When psychic pain is felt to uncontained and therefore unbearable, there may be fragmentation and withdrawal into closed-off states of petrified emotional isolation.