Religion, from the side of the subject, is a commitment, a commitment of faith. The understanding of religion requires very sympathetic study, perhaps it requires more-religion itself. One's religion may not seem, upon examination, to be what one thought it to be at first. Religion is not one specific activity like art or philosophy, it is a many-sided and total life. Religion suggests cults and rituals, obligations, acts of prayer or other worship. Ignorance and misunderstanding due to ignorance are rife among intellectuals, and it is particularly important today that the best minds should be open to the understanding of religion. There is common ground in teaching about man and God. If Jesus says we must like little children, Lao Tse says, The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart. One sometimes hears Communism, for instance, referred to as a religion. Religion here seems to mean unreserved devotion to a Belief or Cause.