Professor Moore's The Refutation of Idealism', published in 1903, is still one of the most famous articles written in philosophy since the turn of the century. Moore asserts that in any case of awareness of blue it is possible (even if not easy) to distinguish by careful introspective observation the awareness from the blue. An activity and an accusative of it, which, like these, are co-ordinate in generality call respectively connately co-ordinate (or co-ordinately connate), and alienly co-ordinate (or co-ordinately alien). The esse of any cognitum connate with the cognizing is its cognosci. the two words 'experiencing' and 'taste', or 'tasting' and 'bitter', are not linguistically connate, linguistic inertia tempts us to believe that the cognitive activity and the cognitum in each case, for which those words stand, are not connate either.