To cover every kind of migration, this book would have to be encyclopedic. Instead, I have made strategic choices, alternating between selections that cover common issues and those that present unique, innovative, or controversial examples of the preservation, collection, and display of tangible and intangible heritage related to migration. In the process, certain themes have emerged, even among the pieces that initially seemed most divergent. One of the most prominent common themes is the tension between assimilation, which may bring a sense of belonging, and the instinct to retain cultural traditions, thus remaining distinctive. Another essential point has been the importance of performance or performativity both in the experiences of migrants and in efforts to present their stories. In this section of the book, however, I have chosen to present two case studies that offer perspectives on important aspects of migration that have not received in-depth exploration earlier in this volume. Specifically, these topics are the role of US borders and borderlands and the role of artists in global mobility.