Differentiation involves six basic challenges for teachers: to alter classroom management style, to modify recording practices, to provide a wider range of resources, to reorganize the classroom, to introduce alternative teaching practices such as flexible grouping, independent study and pre assessments and to extend and modify the timetable. But differentiation is not supposed to be individual assignments. It representation of a short lesson to teach a skill such as reflexive verbs, before and after differentiation. Some units take a lot of thought and organization and time; from year to year add a unit here and a project there, which will slowly accumulate. Differentiated classes are the best response to standards-based education. Differentiation requires a different kind of energy than direct instruction. But, no matter what schedule, differentiation generates a workshop-style environment, which may look a bit chaotic to an outsider. Differentiation doesn't require new books or supplies and It's a collection of strategies, procedures, and behaviors.