Mamaroneck is in a mixed-humid climate with cold, sometimes snowy winters and hot, humid summers. True to form, the existing house also had a mixed indoor climate cold in the winter, hot in the summer and the mechanical system wasn't keeping up with the conditioning demand. Already familiar with comfort that a PH can deliver, the couple had a goal for their home: a comfortable and beautiful PH a showcase of what a certified PH retrofits, or EnerPHit, can achieve. The home's ventilation is provided by an energy recovery (ERV) which helps to keep the summer humidity at bay. The house features all new energy-efficient appliances, including an induction range. The house's many electrical loads pushed the project's modeled primary energy demand to brink of PH criterion 117 kWh/m but didn't exceed it. The house's roof and walls clearly would need beefing upon opportune moment, bending stresses to simultaneously add value to building, thereby increasing the cost-effectiveness of investments.