This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in subsequent chapters of this book. Being in a school leadership position, such as an administrator, department chair, grade-level leader, teacher specialist, or any other leadership position, means that the person is qualified for the job. Transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which the administrator promotes compliance of his/her followers through both rewards and punishments. Most effective leaders work within a transformational style of leadership, where they focus on empowering their staff, creating a positive working environment and making decisions that will create long-term success. Travis Bradberry suggests that there are many EQ (Emotional Intelligence) traits that parallel with transformational traits that many leaders lack. The authors identify 15 keys to maximizing leadership potential, such as learning about leadership styles, understanding the importance of Emotional Intelligence, finding their voice, knowing the difference between managing and leading, having effective communication, balancing the personal and professional lives, and more.