This chapter explores the tenet that the goals of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), such as the ability to handle stress effectively and the ability to regulate emotions, are commonalities shared across class, gender, and culture for both educator and student. It fuses the traditional practices of SEL, mindfulness, yoga, and physical movement into one comprehensive approach called Mindful Practices. SEL on their own do not traditionally include yoga, movement, or student wellness, Mindful Practices looks at the needs of the whole child: emotional, physical, and mental; when these three are in balance, a student is able to be present and Ready to Learn. The Mindful Practices approach moves beyond a program that teachers merely implement, into a method of crafting a classroom that meets the competing needs of the whole child. It provides the tools needed for a successful program implementation, namely the creation of a classroom climate and culture that bring practitioner and student into a compassionate and safe connection.