This chapter explores the yong elephants by the whiteness of their teeth and a special care and regard have the beasts of them above all. When they see the hunters eager, and themselves overmatched and weary, they breake them with running against the hard trees, and leaving them behind, escape by this ransome, as it were, out of the hunters' hands. The chapter talks about The Porkpens that come out of India and Africke, kind of Urchin or hedge-hog they be, armed with prickes they be both; but the Porkpen hath the longer sharp-pointed quilles, and those, when he stretcheth his skin, he sendeth and shooteth from him. Dangerous they be and unluckie, when they come out one by one and without a companion and they drown those ships on which they light, and threaten shipwrack, yea and they set them on fire if haply they fall upon the bottome of the keel.