Ma Sandars short story An Umbrella is a bitter sweet and realistictale reflecting on gender dynamics in Burma and the challenges that women face within the family and in relation to men. Since this is a story by a female author focused on the plight of women in the family, it is perhaps unsurprising that the narrative focuses almost entirely on female characters. This is a story about resignation in the face of betrayal, of grim self-reflection upon love that has given way to dreary day-to-day life. It contains reflections upon changing bodies, upon male desire, and on the many challenges faced by women aswives, providers, and mothers. At one level the story suggests its particular place and time. And yet, as one views the story from a certain remove, a distinctly universal element comes into focus. It would not take much of a leap to replace the Burmese characters, names, and cultural elements with those of many other societies.