The interactive nature of customer interactive consumer-producer interface establishes relationship-based marketing, individually customized offerings, and market-driven strategy as the essence of a true customer-centric but enterprise-integrated and therefore mutually balanced orientation. In their recent lead article for the Journal of Marketing, Stephen L. Vargo and Robert F. Lusch offer a comprehensively well-articulated, carefully nuanced, thoroughly documented, highly provocative, and potentially influential formulation under the title 'Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing'. This chapter explains the eight fundamental premises (FPs) and suggests how each aspect of ROSEPEKICECIVECI is covered by CCV. The eight FP's are: resource operant (RO), skills exchanging (SE), performance experiencing (PE), knowledge informed (KI), competence enacting (CE), co-producer involved (CI), value emerging (VE), customer interactive (CI). Concept of customer value (CCV) regards the object as the embodiment of specialized activities and skills invested in its creation.