In 1941, Zhou Jingwen launched a human rights movement in the magazine Shidai piping. Zhou also attempted to relate the 1941 human rights movement to the May Fourth movement of 1919, in that he intended his human rights movement to awaken and liberate the Chinese. The humiliations of might-makes-might are the losses of territory and sovereignty and the deprivation of human rights; the oppressions are unreasonable and illegal rule and the loss of human rights. Only when our human rights are protected will the master-slave relationship be erased from China's history forever. Although the rights of people are rights enjoyed by them simply by virtue of their being human beings, the protection of these rights is sought not only by individuals alone but also through mutual respect between individuals, and especially through society created by them. These rights are not only the guarantees for our lives as human beings but also the preconditions for social progress and cultural development.