This chapter focuses on Revolution, which is defined as the natural duty of citizens. It is rooted in and originates from citizens and is not the private property of a few individuals. Revolutions remove misfortunes and seek happiness. There are barbarian revolutions and civilized revolutions. Barbarian revolutions are the revolutions that destroy without construction; violent and unrestrained, they are enough to create reigns of terror. Civilized revolutions are the revolutions that destroy as well as construct. The Revolutionary Army is far more than an anti-Manchu racist tract. Foreigners as well as nationals who interfere with the Chinese revolution and independence shall be opposed. A central government shall be established as a general institution to conduct national affairs. If one values peace and harmony and does not let any problems which can cause serious harm to the people, rather than rashly subverting the government and seeking to promote ones rights, it is better peace and harmony.