This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book discusses the cultural explorations are not merely important, they are essential. In addition to the small stories people share on a daily basis, there is also a global story unfolding. The book examines the quote from Cochran-Smith (1995): Teachers, teacher educators, and researchers need opportunities to examine much of what is usually unexamined in the tightly braided relationships of language, culture, and power in schools and schooling. The assertion raises two key points that examine views, values, and beliefs and also consider the relationships between literacy, language, and culture is a different approach than presenting "issues of diversity" as the problem to be solved. An exchange between Mary and Fenice illustrates these points. In drafting this text, Fenice had been pondering the use of the phrase in her own work around issues of muliliteracies.