The inflated egos walking on Fields of psycho logical sanctity are looking for Redemption. Spiritual inflation produces a sanctimonious persona, one that is especially dangerous for therapists, because patients are fond of projecting the Savior archetype onto the person of the therapist. Jung suggested that depth psychology was a spiritual alternative to organized religions; in more ways than one, it is. Analysis is such a mercurial adventure, a sojourn into the land of paradoxical truths and multiple significations. For depth psychology to emerge as a form of wisdom it needs to escape from inflation about quasi-divine principles of individuation, and most of all, to forget about the idea of redemption and psychological paradises. The woman who lost herself in her mandala obsession believed in Jungian theory as one believes in a Saviour, because she missed the certainties of faith. New Age spirituality, supposedly a post-Christian alternative to spirituality, presents itself with qualifier of "new", as a new myth of God.