In the early days when Master Yun was better known as "Toad Yun" and his father was known as Horseface Yun Yonggyu, Master Yun had stood by the corpse of his father, who had been mercilessly murdered by bandits, his eyes trained on a sky reddened by the blazing granary. Master Yun sat on the warm side of the floor, while Chongsu took a place facing the back wall. Master Yun was stupefied, wide-eyed, and speechless. The extreme reaction exhibited by Master Yun was not, however, in any way due to his concern for his beloved grandson Chonghak, or for his condition. Moreover, Master Yun was petrified. The Emperor of Qin, on hearing a prophecy that the agent responsible for the future fall of the Qin Empire would be Ho barbarians, ordered the construction of the Great Wall to shield his northern frontiers from the barbarians of Ho.